Rafine Higashi Ginza 209, 4-4-14, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
TEL&FAX 03-6226-5105 |
1. Change of Company's name |
Now, after the New Company Lawfs
implementation, a YK can be shifted to a KK just by proceeding the gChange of
Trade (Company) Nameh procedure.
To tell it more precisely, it is the
procedure of gTransfer to a Regular KK by a mean of Change of Trade Nameh
(defined in the Adjustment Law or SEIBI Law)
This means that the change to KK from YK that many
YK owners were wishing to do gon someday in the futureh is now becoming
possible to do with reasonable cost, less effort and at anytime immediately.
The simpler procedure above might be understood
that all you need now is just to change the name of company from YK to KK
because you, the TOKUREI YK or Exceptional YK, have been already deemed as KK
legally.ost, less effort and at anytime immediately.
2. Two registration procedures in formality. |
One thing to be noticed is that the procedures for
Company Registration require two applications. One is gRegister of Dissolution
of YK due to a transfer to KK by change of trade nameh and the other one is gRegister
of Establishment of KK due to a transfer to KK by change of trade nameh. The
applications are using words of Dissolution and Establishment, but the company
is not actually dissolved nor established. It is only for a formality purpose..
Of course, the legal status of the company remains exactly the same after the
3.Expenses for the change to KK |
Please refer to the following chart for the
estimated expenses.
The items except 1 an4 are to be varied by
actual quotations. They are just for your reference.
1) Registration fee to Register
OfficeiRevenue Stampj
of \3 Mil. capital
‚QjFee to Regis. Lawyer, etc
Estimated. For ref. only
‚RjCompany Stamps
- \50,000
Estimated. For ref. only
Inkan certificake
- \5,000
(company certificate.)
@\500(Inkan certificate)
‚TjGreeting card, sign board,
on each case
‚UjApplication to Govft offices
on each case